Journal responses Maram

1. My Sister's Keeper is an emotional book, that allows the reader to go on a roller coaster ride with the characters. This book effected me because my family does suffer from cancer and I understand why Sara did what she did, I may not agree with her reason to make Anna however, I understand. This book also makes me feel bad for Anna because no child should ever have to feel like they are only needed for a specific task and nothing else. It is terrible how bad she is treated and how much pain she is going through. The book also shows me the length people will go to, to save their children.

2. My Sisters Keeper reminds of a movie I saw that incorporated a mother whom had cancer her entire life and their was no solution to save herself. So she decided to hack into all of her countries data base and find out donors or people that have her type of blood. She ended up finding a man that had her blood type and she flew to the city he was living in and made him fall in love with her, they got married and then she pretended to get cancer after they got married and they both went to the doctor and the doctor told the guy that he is the same blood type and asked if he wanted to give blood. The man said yes and for 3 years straight he was giving blood to her until he did not want, however, he was not allowed to back out because he signed a contract. So, the man decided to go to court and say that his body belongs to him and the woman tricked him. This movies reminds me of My Sister's Keeper, because Anna was just like that man, she had no decision.

3. The book incorporates many different life lessons like:

 Parents will go to any length to save their child 
People do things with out thinking about the outcome
All things come with outcomes and problems 
Think before you act 
Everybody has rights
Your life belongs to yourself even as a child 

4. After reading My Sister's Keeper I understand that even as a child have rights, I can go to court and sew anyone for anything that is logical. Also I have rights to my body and that all my actions come with outcomes that I may not like. I also understand that life is not fair and that we must be grateful for the things we have and get. My Sister's Keeper showed me this because in the book when Sara decided to make Anna she did not think about what would happen to her daughter and that the baby she is designing is a human being and is still her daughter.  

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